Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Journal 3 – NETS-T # 4; C: promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information.

Students Dig Up Dirt to Learn about Internet Safety
Morehouse, J. (2011). Students dig up dirt to learn about internet safety. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(2), 34. http://www.iste.org/learn/publications/learning-and-leading/digital-edition-september-october-2011.aspx

SUMMARY: I was blown away by this article. The truth is the majority of people who use social networking sites do not realize what kind of information they are putting out for the world to see. My goal is to teach elementary school students. I was thinking this would be a more suitable assignment for older students. I loved Jesse’s idea of choosing someone random online and then creating a presentation about this unknown person with the information you find about them by using basic search engines. I know that after reading this article I want to go through a lot of my own personal privacy settings on the social networks I am apart of. The problem is a lot of the privacy settings are complicated and not straight forward. I am sure I can look up a recommended privacy setting list as Jesse offered to his students. It is unfortunate that so many young adults/teenagers are using these social networking sites and are creating a negative internet image of them selves. If educators or parents can present this information to students early on it will help them create a better image of themselves for a lifetime. Being safe on the internet is important and this exercise is a wonderful way for students to connect to its importance.

QUESTION: How can I make myself more “private” on the internet?

ANSWER: I plan on using a basic search engine and searching for myself on the web. I want to see what kind of information is gathered by doing this. If I notice information that I do not wish to be on the internet maybe I can possible tweak my social network settings or account information related to different sites I may be apart of.

QUESTION: How can I get parents involved in internet safety with their children?

ANSWER: I feel that providing parents with the recommended privacy settings for different social networks is a great way for them to help their children in making sure they are safe on the internet. Encouraging parents to participate in this “digging up dirt” exercise will help them be more aware of their child’s internet image and can hopefully become positive role models themselves in providing the world with a positive internet image.

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