Friday, October 14, 2011

Journal 4 – NETS-T # 2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments

It’s in the Bag Basham, J., Perry, E., & Meyer, H. (2011). It's in the bag. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(2), 24.

SUMMARY: This article was very interesting. I agree with the first part of the article where it states that many teachers want to incorporate technology into their classrooms. It is refreshing to hear that teachers are thinking outside of the box and are trying to engage their students with technology and trying to go bigger than just using a pen and a piece of paper. Technology I feel helps students become creative and it as well shapes them for their future. The idea that every student should have a “digital backpack” is interesting. The article explains that each backpack should include the following: Foundational Technology, Modular Technology, and Instructional Support Materials. Thankfully the article goes into detail and explains what each of these requirements entails. The foundational technology is simply the object that the student will use, for example, a laptop or a tablet to help support instructional content. Next modular technology would include, hardware, devices, and software chosen to meet specific instructional goals and desired outcomes… this could be for example a digital camcorder. Lastly the instructional support materials include things like curriculum resources that provide the structure, guidance, and specific information learners need to understand the content and finish the task. The importance of having a digital back pack is vast! Students will be able to do things hands on and see how it is done rather than just learning through a basic lecture. I am glad that more research like this is being done with our educational system. Improvement is always better!

QUESTION: How would incorporating a digital back pack in my classroom benefit the students?

ANSWER: The students would be able to experience lesson plans first hand rather than just hearing a lecture. Students would be able to be more creative with the specific topic and as well learn technology that will help them throughout life.

QUESTION: How would I be able to obtain digital back packs for a school that is not up to date?

ANSWER: Hopefully I could talk with the school that I work for and give different articles and support that shows students benefit with having technology incorporated into the classrooms. Maybe I could reach out to parents and see if they would be willing to help support their child’s learning with technology. Technology is a very important aspect of education and I hope that with time it will be included in every classroom.

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